RQC Seminar
51st RQC Seminar
Dr. Josephine Dias
( Quantum Information Science and Technology Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) )Date
16:00 - 17:00 (JST), June 5, 2023 (Monday)
Hybrid(ZOOM・ Wako Main Research 3F 345-347 Seminar Room)
Reservoir-assisted energy migration in hybrid quantum systems
Recent developments in quantum technology have given us the ability to engineer composite quantum systems including components such as atomic, molecular, solid state and optical. These hybrid quantum systems represent ideal candidates for demonstrating novel and complex phenomena. As an example, it has been shown recently that an ensemble of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) centers in diamond coupled to a resonator exhibits superradiant decay – a collective effect where the radiation is enhanced by the presence of multiple emitters. It is essential we find new applications that benefit from the engineered nature of these hybrid systems. One such example could be in the transfer of energy and quantum correlations. The transport of energy through a network is fundamental to how both nature and current technologies operate. Generally, we think about a series of nodes being connected by channels that transport the energy through them. Motivated by the design of hybrid quantum systems, we will introduce an alternate approach, replacing our channels with engineered collective environments that interact with pairs of nodes. We will show how energy initialized at a specific location in the network can migrate to another network node—even though the environment may be at zero temperature. More importantly, we show that such energy migration occurs on timescales significantly faster than the relaxation rates associated with the single spins which further establishes this as a truly collective phenomenon. Our approach highlights the importance of being able to design and tailor the properties and symmetries of hybrid quantum systems. In doing so, we can illustrate new directions for the future of quantum technologies.
Authors: Josephine Dias, Christopher W. Wächtler, Victor M. Bastidas, Kae Nemoto and William J. Munro