RQC Colloquium
30th RQC Colloquium
Prof. Dorit Aharonov
(Hebrew University)日程
Online (Zoom)
The search for evidence of quantum advantage
The field of quantum computation heavily relies on the belief that quantum computation
violates the extended Church Turing thesis, namely, that quantum many-body systems cannot
be simulated by classical ones with only polynomial overhead. Importantly, we must ask: what
experimental evidence do we have for this bold assumption? A major effort towards providing
such evidence had concentrated on random quantum circuit sampling (RCS) as in the famous
supremacy experiment by Google from 2019 and follow-up works. I will describe recent work
(by Gao, Landau, Liu and Vazirani as well as follow-up works) in which we give a polynomial time
classical algorithm for simulating such RCS experiments. Our algorithm gives strong evidence
that RCS cannot be the basis for near term experimental evidence for scalable exponential
quantum advantage.
A natural alternative is quantum Hamiltonian simulations of highly complex many body
quantum evolutions. In a work with L. Zhou, we proved that very simple families of
Hamiltonians, even in 1D, are capable of performing universal Hamiltonian simulations, capable
of simulating any other Hamiltonian. However, as I will explain in the talk, there are difficulties
in viewing existing experiments of Hamiltonian simulations as evidence for scalable quantum
advantage. So far no (conjectured to be) computationally hard problem was identified and
convincingly verified to be solved efficiently by quantum Hamiltonian simulations.
While evidence for scalable quantum advantage is still wanting, initial finite size quantum
advantages might be much closer. In the last part of my talk I will discuss the notion of finite
quantum advantage, in comparison to scalable quantum advantage, and describe recent
demonstrations on IBM and IONQ quantum devices, performed by my company Qedma, using
Qedma's error mitigation software. These experiments demonstrate unbiased quantum
Hamiltonian simulations of unprecedented volumes, suggesting that with devices of 99.9%
two-qubit gate fidelities, experimental evidence for finite quantum advantages of Hamiltonian
simulations can already be achieved.
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