165th RQC Seminar
Ms. Sofia Arranz Regidor
( Queen’s University, Canada )日程
2024年11月5日(火) 16:00-17:00
ハイブリッド(ZOOM・ Wako Main Research 3F 345-347 Seminar Room/ 研究本館3階 セミナー室(345-347) C01)
Modelling few-photon quantum nonlinearities in waveguide-QED using matrix product states
The study of waveguide-QED systems, where a continuum of quantized field modes is coupled to qubits or
two-level systems, has improved our ability to manipulate quantum light-matter interactions on-chip. Such
interactions are now possible in solid-state waveguide QED (as well as circuit QED), which is an important
field of research in nanophotonics and quantum optics. In this talk, I will discuss some recent theory work
on using a numerically-exact method – matrix product states or MPS – to accurately model quantum light-matter interactions in waveguide QED [1-3]. I will present several applications, including time-delayed
coherent feedback and population trapped states. Next I will show some recent work on the waveguide-qubit
response to few-photon Fock state pulses, which show extremely rich quantum dynamical population effects,
even with just a single photon excitation.
[1] Sofia Arranz Regidor, Gavin Crowder, Howard Carmichael, and Stephen Hughes, Modeling quantum light-matter interactions in waveguide QED with retardation, nonlinear interactions, and a time-delayed feedback:
Matrix product states versus a space-discretized waveguide model, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023030 (2021).
[2] Sofia Arranz Regidor and Stephen Hughes, Cavitylike strong coupling in macroscopic waveguide QED
using three coupled qubits in the deep non-Markovian regime, Phys. Rev. A 104, L031701 (2021).
[3] Sofia Arranz Regidor and Stephen Hughes, Probing dressed states and quantum nonlinearities in a strongly
coupled three-qubit waveguide system under optical pumping, Phys. Rev. A 108, 033719 (2023).