169th RQC Seminar
Dr. Kushal Das
( Quantum Nanoscience Laboratory School of Physics , Faculty of Science, The University of Sydney )日程
2024年10月18日(金) 11:00-12:00
ハイブリッド(ZOOM・ 和光地区 統合支援施設2階 大会議室 (C61))
Hardware for Scaling Quantum Information Systems
Advancing scalable hardware for control and readout of quantum systems is critical to unlock the next generation of quantum computers, quantum sensor and networking technology. The challenge is to enable high – ‘frequency, density and fidelity’ control signalling input and measurement while minimizing deleterious heat, noise and other backaction from entering the quantum systems. Our group has specialized in creating key components of this quantum-classical interface system, including qubit controller circuits operating at 4 kelvin or below using cryogenic CMOS or superconducting logic technology, as well as near quantum limited parametric amplifiers and frequency multiplexing for large-scale readout. Additionally, we’ve developed advanced room temperature instrumentation to support qubit experiments and are researching next-generation machine learning hardware development, such as classical and quantum reservoir computing.