RQC Colloquium

27th RQC Colloquium

  • 講演者

    Prof. David Elkouss
    (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)

  • 日程


  • 開催場所

    ハイブリッド(Zoom・和光地区 C61 統合支援施設 2階 大会議室)

  • 講演タイトル

    Exploiting near-term quantum networks

  • お問合せ


  • 登録フォーム


Very recently we have seen the first proof of principle demonstrations of entanglement-based quantum networks. However, analogous to quantum computers, near-term quantum networks will feature noisy devices communicating at modest rates. Here, I will present some recent ideas for performing communication and computation applications with near-term quantum networks.
Flyer: 27th RQC Colloquium Flyer

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