98th RQC Seminar

  • 講演者

    Dr. Suguru Endo
    NTT Computer & Data Science Laboratories, NTT Corporation )

  • 日程

    2023年11月22日(水) 16:00-17:00

  • 開催場所

    ハイブリッド(ZOOM・ 研究本館3階 セミナー室(345-347) C01)

  • 講演タイトル

    Generalized quantum subspace expansion for quantum error mitigation

  • お問合せ


One of the major challenges for erroneous quantum computers is undoubtedly the control over the effect of noise. Considering the rapid growth of available quantum resources that are not fully fault-tolerant, it is crucial to develop practical hardware-friendly quantum error mitigation (QEM) techniques to suppress unwanted errors. Here, we propose a novel generalized quantum subspace expansion method that can handle stochastic, coherent, and algorithmic errors in quantum computers. By fully exploiting the substantially extended subspace, we can efficiently mitigate the noise present in the spectra of a given Hamiltonian without relying on any noise information. The performance of our method is discussed under two highly practical setups: the quantum subspaces are mainly spanned by powers of the noisy state and a set of error-boosted states, respectively. We also propose the resource-efficient implementation of generalized quantum subspace expansion by using the dual-state purification method and show that it can even allow for the simulation of twice the system size with moderate sampling overhead.

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