RQC Seminar
84th RQC Seminar
Prof. Martin Kliesch
( Institute for Quantum-Inspired and Quantum Optimization, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) )日程
2023年9月14日(木) 13:00-14:00
ハイブリッド(ZOOM・ 統合支援棟2階大会議室 C61)
Foundations for estimating Pauli noise in quantum error correction
The characterization of quantum devices is crucial for their practical implementation but can be costly in experimental effort and classical post-processing. Therefore, it is desirable to measure only information that is relevant for specific applications and develop protocols that require little additional effort. In this work, we focus on the characterization of quantum computers in the context of stabilizer quantum error correction. We prove that (i) physical and (ii) logical error channels induced by Pauli noise can be estimated from syndrome data under minimal conditions. Essentially, any Pauli channel a code can correct can also be estimated from its syndrome measurements. We also provide a concrete estimation algorithm for this task.