RQC Seminar
68th RQC Seminar
Dr. Reiko Yamada
( The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), Spain )日程
2023年7月28日(金) 16:00-17:00
ハイブリッド(ZOOM・ 本部棟2階 大会議室(C00))
Interpreting Quantum Randomness with Sounds: Rabi Oscillation and Wigner Function
Over the past few years, Dr. Reiko Yamada, a composer and postdoctoral research fellow at ICFO (Spain), has embarked on an exciting interdisciplinary research project in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Maciej Lewenstein (ICFO-ICREA). In this presentation, Dr. Yamada will delve into the team's endeavors to generate unique sound timbres using genuine quantum randomness derived from Rabi oscillation. Their efforts have resulted in a research paper, musical scores, a record release, and several live performances including Barcelona's Sonar Festival. Furthermore, Dr. Yamada will shed light on their latest undertaking: the sonification of the Wigner Function. www.reikoyamada.com