RQC Seminar
43rd RQC Seminar
Prof. Wolfgang Lorenzon
(Department of Physics, University of Michigan, USA)日程
ハイブリッド(Zoom ・ 理研 和光事業所 本部棟2階 大会議室)
The search for Dark Matter with the LZ experiment
Overwhelming evidence from astrophysical observations indicates that about 80% of the matter in the universe consists of some form of matter called “dark matter”, but direct detection of this dark matter has proven to be very difficult to achieve. The LZ experiment, operated at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota, presents an unprecedented sensitivity for discovering WIMP-nucleon interactions by employing a 7-tonne liquid xenon time-projection chamber deep underground. In this talk, I will discuss the challenges and opportunities in direct detection dark matter experiments, the present status of the LZ experiment and its search for WIMP dark matter and other new physics phenomena.