138th RQC Seminar

  • 講演者

    Prof. Keyu Xia
    ( Nanjing University, China )

  • 日程

    2024年8月6日(火) 16:00-17:00

  • 開催場所

    オンサイト( Wako Main Research 3F 345-347 Seminar Room/ 研究本館3階 セミナー室(345-347) C01)

  • 講演タイトル

    Real enhancement of sensitivity around an EP of a passive non-Hermitian sensor

  • お問合せ


A non-Hermitian sensor can be conducted by introducing gain and loss to its two subsystems. Around the so-called exception point (EP), where the eigenvalues and eigenstates coalesce, the splitting of eigenfrequencies is as a square root function of the coupling strength. Such sublinear response was improperly considered as enhancement of sensitivity. Here, we theoretically prove and experimentally demonstrate that a passive non-Hermitian magnetometer without gain shows improved sensitivity in comparison with the Hermitian counterpart. This loss-enhanced non-Hermitian sensor is general and can be expanded to other systems.

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