RQC Seminar
13th RQC Seminar
Prof. Henning Schomerus
(Department of Physics, Lancaster University, UK)日程
ハイブリッド(Zoom ・ 理研 和光事業所 本部棟2階 大会議室)
Noisy monitored quantum dynamics in multi-qubit systems
Environmental effects on qubits can be divided into noisy fluctuations of their unitary dynamics and monitoring processes that induce decoherence. I describe statistical approaches rooted in random matrix theory that address the interplay of these effects. The combined dynamics drive the system into states whose statistics reflect the competition of
randomizing unitary evolution and the measurement-induced backaction collapsing the state. For the paradigmatic case of monitoring an ergodic qubit assembly via a single designated qubit, this reveals a simple statistical mechanism, in which the monitoring conditions the state of the monitored qubit, which then imposes statistical constraints on the remaining quantities of the system. I supplement this discussion by numerical results on quasi-one-dimensional continuously monitored qubit systems.
M. Szyniszewski, A. Romito, and H. Schomerus, Phys. Rev. B 100, 064204 (2019).
M. Szyniszewski, A. Romito, and H. Schomerus, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 210602 (2020).
H. Schomerus, J. Phys. A 55, 214001 (2022).
T. Kalsi, A. Romito, and H. Schomerus, J. Phys. A 55, 264009 (2022).
T. Boorman, M. Szyniszewski, H. Schomerus, and A. Romito, Phys. Rev. B 105, 144202 (2022).