RQC Seminar
22nd RQC Seminar
Prof. Valerio Scarani
(Centre for Quantum Technologies and National University of Singapore)Date
15:00-16:00 (JST), November 25, 2022 (Friday)
Hybrid (Zoom / 2F Large Conference Room, Admin. Headquarters Bldg. RIKEN Wako branch)
Dynamics-based certification of quantumness and entanglement
The fact that harmonic oscillators exhibit proper quantum features is literally textbook knowledge. It is also believed that such features are not to be found in the dynamics, because both in classical and in quantum mechanics, the evolution in time is a simple precession. Contrary to this belief, we present a family of protocols that detect the non-classicality of suitable states of a single quantum system, under the sole assumption that its time evolution is a uniform precession. The case of the harmonic oscillator, where the precession happens in phase space and couples position and momentum, was anticipated in an unnoticed work by Tsirelson, which we extend. When the precessing system is composite, we study when the violation of the classical bound for one of the normal modes implies entanglement of the physical oscillators. We also extend these results for finite-dimensional spins that undergo uniform precession in real space.