Toshio Tonouchi
Coordinator, Office of the Center Director
My main research fields are software engineering and network and computer system operations and management technology. Since 2019, I was in the position of Director in Cabinet Office, Japan. In this period, I contributed to the government's quantum technology innovation strategy (established 2020). Currently, I am engaged in work of the head quarters of Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs established based on this strategy.
Papers, et al.
・Toshio Tonouchi et. al., “A fast method of verifying network routing with back-trace header space analysis”, IEEE/IFIP IM2015
・CS Hong, Toshio Tonouchi ed., Internet for Changing Business and New Computing Services: 12th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium, APNOMS 2009, LNCS 5787
・Nicholas Damianou, Naranker Dulay, Emil Lupu, Morris Sloman, Toshio Tonouchi, “Tools for Domain-Based Policy Management of Distributed Systems”, IEEE/IFIP NOMS2002
・IEEE Comsoc, Certificate of Appreciation, 2010
Toy simulator for Quantum Computer

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the International Symposium on Quantum Science, Technology and Innovation HP