Daniel Loss
Team Leader, Semiconductor Quantum Information Device Theory Research Team
We work on the theory of a spin-based quantum computer. We design its CMOS-compatible components deriving from Si and Ge gated quantum dots. We focus on spin qubits that can be manipulated by electric fields through various spin-orbit interactions. Using advanced bandstructure models, we investigate the properties of holes and electrons confined in low-dimensional geometries. We search for optimal setups and ways of protecting the qubits from noise. We analyze perspective qubit interconnects which would allow assembling a large number of qubits into networks. Our ultimate goal is to identify fast, small, and scalable elements of the future quantum computer.
Research Theme
・Quantum dots and qubits
・Spin-based quantum information science
・Spin-orbit interaction
Representative Research Results
・ D. Loss and D. DiVincenzo: “Quantum computation with quantum dots”, Phys. Rev. A 57, 120
・ Khaetskii, Loss, Glazman: “Electron spin decoherence in quantum dots due to interaction with
nuclei”, Physical review letters 88 (18), 186802 (2002)

Loss, DiVincenzo, “Quantum computation with
quantum dots,, PRA 57, 120 (1998)

Camenzind et al., “Electron spin relaxation due to
nuclei”, Nat. Commun. 9,3454 (2018)
Related Rinks
・Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Computing - University of Basel