
Eisuke Abe

Unit Leader, Superconducting Quantum Electronics Joint Research Unit


This unit develops quantum technologies based on superconducting quantum circuits at millikelvin temperatures, with particular emphasis on quantum computers on a scalable platform. Previously, the PI has also worked on spin-based quantum bits in various semiconductor systems, such as isotopically controlled silicon, optically active self-assembled quantum dots, and nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, and their applications to quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum sensing.

Research Theme

・Research of superconducting quantum circuits

Representative Research Results

・Physical Review B 98, 121405 (2018) K. Sasaki, K. M. Itoh, and E. Abe “Determination of the
 position of a single nuclear spin from free nuclear precessions detected by a solid-state
 quantum sensor”

・Journal of Applied Physics 123, 161101 (2018) E. Abe and K. Sasaki “Tutorial: Magnetic
 resonance with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond—microwave engineering, materials
 science, and magnetometry”

・Nature 491, 421 (2012) K. De Greve et al. “Quantum-dot spin–photon entanglement via
 frequency downconversion to telecom wavelength”

・Physical Review B 82, 121201 (2010) E. Abe et al. “Electron spin coherence of phosphorus donors
 in silicon: Effect of environmental nuclei”

・Physical Review Letters 89, 017901 (2002) T. D. Ladd, J. R. Goldman, F. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamamoto,
 E. Abe, and K. M. Itoh “All-Silicon Quantum Computer”


Assembly of the inside of a dilution refrigerator

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